WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2022, 2:00-3:00 PM PT
In the past, Ripple week has been offered exclusively to our U.S. Grassroots Accelerator cohort but, now it is available to our larger community! Ripple Week is a series of free virtual events, designed to inspire, mobilize and amplify critical grassroots solutions that can meet this moment on the planet.
The theme for this year’s Ripple Week Series, and the meaning behind the Ripple Week Logo created by Mexican artist, Isabel Tello, is The Water Within Us. We were inspired by this image of the water that runs through each of us as we heal and protect ourselves, our communities and our planet.
Join Leah will share how her personal story, leadership principles, and ancestral teachings are intertwined at Soul Fire Farm. Prepare to be entranced by Leah's powerful presence as she shares some of her favorite origin stories from Soul Fire Farm, what keeps her inspired and how she embodies a revolution based on the land.