WEA selected by Cooper design firm for UX Bootcamp

UX Bootcamp ohio trio

This summer, WEA has been selected by Cooper, a San Francisco-based design and strategy firm to be the focus of their four day “UX Bootcamp”. The UX Bootcamp is part intensive design course, part design competition. Designers, engineers, and product managers will join forces to learn design methods, while envisioning new concepts for WEA’s website (and even what a mobile app could look like!). We’re excited to see what they come up with.  At the end of the competition, Cooper U educators and a WEA representative will review and judge the final idea concepts presented by each team, and Cooper will donate $1,000 to WEA on behalf of the winners. Thank you Cooper!

UX Bootcamp: July 30-Aug 2, San Francisco.  Interested designers can learn more on Cooper’s site

Interested designers can learn more on Cooper’s site here



  1. The Geeks on April 1, 2014 at 5:35 pm

    hi..Im college student, thanks for sharing 🙂

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