One-Click to Support WEA!

WEA has recently teamed up with eco-model, Josie Maran to run a campaign benefiting our work!
Josie Maran Cosmetics has a product called argan oil, which is a skin oil organically grown in Morocco by a fair trade women’s cooperative. For what it’s worth, Wikipedia tells us that “All argan sold today is produced by a women’s cooperative that shares the profits among the local women of the Berber tribe. The cooperative has established an ecosystem reforestation project so that the supply of argan oil will not run out and the income that is currently supporting the women will not disappear. The money is providing healthcare and education to the local women, and supporting the entire community as a whole.” Cool!
On the product’s page there’s a Facebook “Like” button (scroll down a bit). For every person who clicks the “like” button, Josie’s cosmetic company will donate a dollar to WEA – up to $25,000.
Will you support women’s environmental leadership with a click?