“WEA is a group of diverse, caring, passionate women who want to make our earth a place we can all value and nurture. Their energy and enthusiasm, as well as their real expertise in the field, is palpable. This is a worthy investment and will bear much fruit in the years to come.”
— Kavita Ramdas, WEA International Advisory Board

Stephanie Bernstein-Joffe
Founder, To-Go Ware

Jim Epstein
Blue Ridge Produce

Farwiza Farhan
Founder & Chair, HAkA

Claire Greensfelder
Senior Advisor on Climate and Energy, Women in Europe for a Common Future

Paul Hawken
Author, Entrepreneur

Darian Rodriguez Heyman
Executive Director, Numi Foundation
Co-Founder, Social Media for Nonprofits Conference & Sparrow: Mobile for All

Nadya Hutagalung
Television host
UN Environment Goodwill Ambassador

Simmone La Corte
Founding Member, Women's Earth Alliance Giving Circle

Chid Liberty
Co-Founder, Liberty & Justice
Entrepreneur-in-Residence, University of Liberia Monrovia Business Startup Center

Joanna Macy
Eco-Philosopher, Author

Kellie Menendez
Co-Founder, Half Full
Founding Team, Subtraction Capital

Ahmed Rahim
Co-Founder, CEO & Chief Alchemist, Numi Organic Tea

Kavita N. Ramdas
Director of the Women’s Rights Program, Open Society Foundation

Sunita Rao
Founder, Vanastree

Ben Schick
Senior Consultant & Executive Coach, Institute for Gender Partnership

Dr. Vandana Shiva
Director, Research Foundation of Science, Technology & Natural Resources

Pandora Thomas
Founder and Land Steward: EARTHseed Permaculture Center and Farm
Co-Owner and Designer: Urban Permaculture Institute
Co-Founder, Earthseed Consulting LLC & Black Permaculture Network

Chris Thompson
Co-Founder, The Bridge @ Green School, Bali

Charity Tooze
Director of Gender, Partnerships and Communications at Equal Access International

Lynne Twist
Founder, Soul of Money Institute