Seven Ways WEA Celebrates the Earth Every Day
At WEA, there is nothing we love more than celebrating the Earth! And we believe that the best way to do that is by taking good care of the planet that we call home.
This Earth Day, we asked some of our WEA team members about how they incorporate eco-friendly practices into their day-to-day lives. From planting pollinator gardens to minimizing our impact in the backcountry, our commitment to support healthy, thriving ecosystems and communities is a value we live day in, and day out.
Keep reading to meet some of our team members and to learn about seven ways that we incorporate sustainable living into our daily routines here at WEA!

1. Grow your own food and support local farms
I celebrate Earth Day every day by tending to my garden, and by inviting my family to join me! To me, food is a way we connect with the Earth daily, and I love gardening with the littlest members of my family and witnessing their joy and celebration when the food on our table is food that they helped to grow. If growing food is not accessible to you, you can still tend the Earth by supporting the people who do grow your food and by exploring your local farms. I like purchasing my produce from Pixca farm, a BIPOC owned farm cooperative that is only 15 minutes away from my home. And I am proud to work alongside WEA leaders like Brooke Bridges, who grows herbs that she uses to create botanical self-care products, and Bea Alvarez, who is bringing farmers and communities together in San Diego County.
– Daniela Perez, North America Program Director

2. Minimize impact in the backcountry
If you know me, you know I’ll take any chance I get to hit the trail! From backpacking in the Sierra Nevada to sea kayaking in Chilean Patagonia, I am beyond grateful to have gotten to experience so many beautiful places on this Earth, and on all of my adventures — near and far — I am mindful to minimize my impact on the environment. Whether I’m on a backcountry expedition or simply walking through a local park, I always make sure to adhere to the seven Leave No Trace principles and to ensure that I am visiting with respect.
– Fiona McLeod, Communications and Development Manager

3. Plant a pollinator garden to support local species
I’ve created a pollinator garden at my home, with flowering plants that bloom at different periods of the year. By planting native wildflowers, I've transformed small areas around my home into a haven for bees, butterflies, and other pollinating species. Even with limited space, I've found it to be an easy and rewarding process: I consult with local native plant societies to help identify native species, and use a simple shaker filled with seeds to spread them out. I also create shallow pools of water with small stones so that the pollinators have a space to rest and rehydrate. With minimal gardening, I get to enjoy watching the flowers bloom all summer long, and I love seeing the vibrant colors and buzzing activity that comes into my pollinator garden while knowing that my garden plays a vital role in supporting native pollinators and enhancing my local ecosystem.
– Meghan Mathew, Operations Manager

4. Avoid fast fashion and make mindful choices about your clothing
Many of us can relate to the desire to express ourselves through the things we wear. I found early on that, because of my love of self-expression through clothing, I would end up with a closet full of things I didn’t need if I wasn’t careful. So, for a long time now, every time I buy an article of clothing, I give one away. Pairing that practice with an attempt to thrift most of my clothes has kept my impulse to consume under control — while also cultivating in me a deep sense of appreciation for the things I do own, where they come from, and the story they’re telling.
– Kiya Leake, North America Programs Manager

5. Support local, values-aligned businesses
I love viewing sustainability through a lens of creativity, and one of the ways I take action to protect our planet is in the day-to-day choices I make about what companies I support. Working remotely for WEA means I get to explore a lot of cool coffee shops, so I seek the ones that promote local communities and are values-aligned with sustainability. Garden Coffee in San Diego promotes earth-friendly touches including adorable, thrift-found, pre-loved coffee mugs and re-purposed furniture and decor, along with cultivating native plants and supporting other local businesses in the neighborhood. As they say, think global, act local!
– Jen Palmer, Special Initiatives Lead

6. Make eco-friendly choices while traveling
I travel full-time, and embarking on this journey in an eco-conscious way has been a fulfilling adventure for me. Whenever possible, I choose sustainable modes of transportation like public transit or walking to reduce my carbon footprint and connect with the places I visit. To me, being intentional with my itinerary means supporting local businesses before large corporations, whether it's indulging in farm-to-table or low-waste dining, or exploring local thrifts. I'm passionate about promoting my experiences and the local businesses I visit on social media, and hope to inspire others to travel with conscience and appreciation.
– Kate King, Development Manager

7. Transition to eco-friendly home and cleaning products
I care for the Earth in my everyday life by making eco-conscious choices around the house, such as using laundry sheets instead of plastic bottled detergent and opting for refillable cleaning products whenever possible. Earth Breeze and Blueland are some of my favorites, and are both great options for anyone looking to transition to more sustainable products! These small changes not only reduce my plastic waste, but also minimize my household’s environmental impact — and I believe that every eco-friendly choice, no matter how small, contributes to a healthier planet for future generations.
– Amira Diamond, Co-Founder and Co-Director