Women with Land Boost world Agriculture Output

A farmer carrying bundles of rice saplings through her farm in Khokana, Lalitpur, Nepal.
Source: REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar
Researchers are concluding what many have known for a very long time. That women are central to the production of food across the globe, but receive drastically fewer resources than their male counterparts. In the developing world, women produce almost half of the food grown. But according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, they only receive 5% of all the agriculture services world-wide. Services like training, credit, marketing and research.
Of 143 countries surveyed by the World Bank earlier this year, 37 still have discriminatory land laws in place.
Changing this needs to “start with understanding that land rights are part of a cultural system, and that cultural systems also define gender roles,” Scalise said. “That link is critical.”
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