Advocacy Skills and WEA Women
WEA holds advocacy training to help women leaders develop or further build on their advocacy networks. The training focused on advancing environmental justice with Indigenous peoples centered around participants forming new partnerships, sharing intensive dialogue, and learning key tools and strategies for their fight. The training engaged 35 advocates as new members of the WEA Advocacy Network, which contributes greatly to the stability and longevity of our work.

Kapua Sproat, of Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law, participated in our Advocacy Training to expand her network and gain useful tools for her fight for indigenous rights. After completing the training Kapua told us:
“As a Native person, a practitioner, and an attorney, I found it very inspiring and helpful to strategize in a way that’s real and that’s culturally grounded – this is something very rare, and has given me a lot of hope for the work that I do.”