Entrepreneurship Skills
Entrepreneurship is major way in which the knowledge garnered during various training programs ripples outwards and positively impacts many, not just those who undergo training. Through advised financial planning, women can turn the solutions developed for their communities into micro enterprises and spread the knowledge and technology beyond their communities. It’s a win for all.
Entrepreneurship Skills and WEA Women
Entrepreneurship skills are valued in every WEA project. The WISE Women’s Clean Cookstove project blossomed into the grounds for enterprise-building. Thirty women were trained to launch and grow clean cookstoves businesses in a country where smoke-related illness is the number 3 killer of women and where the deforestation rate is the highest in the world. Our Seeds of Resilience project trained and supported twenty seed-saving women to sell their traditional seed varieties to farmers and seed banks.

Olanike Olugboji is a Nigerian environmentalist who took a year-long WEA training and went on to create her own NGO in Nigeria, and launch her own clean cookstoves program. With the support of WEA, less than a year after Olanike launched her project, over 9,000 people were using life-saving clean cookstoves and 30 women entrepreneurs were growing successful businesses.

Entrepreneurship Skills In Action:
Watch Financial Advisor Regina Poto give her take on clean cookstoves entrepreneurship program.