Sanitation and Hygiene

WEA works to implement various sanitation and hygiene practices ranging from sanitary pads and soap to information on hand-washing and hygiene. Teaching women to make sanitary pads combats the constant struggle girls’ face when they are forced to stay home from school during menstruation. Soap making is an invaluable skill to have in countries where soap itself and knowledge of its crucial benefits are limited. Developing such skills is an empowering way for women to become leaders in their communities by spreading knowledge in the ways of sanitation and hygiene.

Sanitation and Hygiene and WEA Women

Through WASH education activities, groups learn about water collection, safe storage, the importance of clean water and the benefits of sanitation. Within six months after the training in Ghana, many women were able to construct water and sanitation technologies in communities challenged by drought, illness and poor sanitation. Their work on these projects after training provided over 75 communities with clean water and sanitation.

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After attending the training in Ghana, two women, Nadiatu and Victoria, returned to their village to share teachings and present their new water treatment system to the community. Watch below!

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The Facts

2.5 billion people, over a third of the world’s population, live without access to sanitation. *

Nearly 113 million adolescent girls’ are at risk of dropping out of school due to the start of their first period. *

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Additional Resources:

  • CNN published a powerful article on sanitary practices and how they are taken for granted.
  • The World Bank has data on the damaging effects that a lack of sanitation and hygiene resources can have on girl’s educations.