WEA at Bioneers: Leadership at the Nexus
Last week, the WEA Team was thrilled to co-facilitate the 2011 Bioneers Post-Conference Intensive, Leadership at the Nexus: When Women Thrive, Communities Thrive. Along with Nina Simons, Co-Founder and CEO of Bioneers, WEA’s Directors and a dynamic group of multi-generational women leaders participated in a daylong session of personal vision cultivation, collective learning, and collaboration.

Drawing upon their own experiences as well as the wisdom of WEA’s grassroots partners, the WEA Directors created a day full of effective and creative strategizing. Powerful exercises, personal story telling and intimate networking allowed this gathering of women to cultivate their own personal leadership. Participants created dynamic and unique visions, partook in SWOT (Strengths, Weakness Opportunities and Threats) analyses, and explored the boundaries – and the solutions to those boundaries – keeping them from accomplishing their goals in small groups. There is no doubt – When women leaders collaborate the world changes. This special space of exploration, self-critiquing and collaboration resulted in a 3-step action plan for the next month, as well as an assignment of accountability partners to support the women on their journey of leadership.

Many thanks to Nina Simons and to the conference’s participants – we are honored to work with you in the cultivation of your personal leadership, and look forward to hearing about all of your future successes. You are whole women and whole leaders for a whole world!