Take Action Today!

Northern Arizona ski resort Arizona Snowbowl has begun the construction of a 14.8 mile pipeline that will trasnport up to 180 million gallons of treated sewage water from the City of Flagstaff to the ski area, for artificial snowmaking.
Not only will the proposed 10 million gallon wastewater pool harm the environment and public health (the treated sewage water has been proven to contain contaminants), but it will destroy land that is holy to more than 13 Indigenous Nations. The peaks are their place of worship, where deities reside, and where they go to collect medicine and herbs.
Klee Benally, who was arrested on Saturday August 13 for disorderly conduct and trespassing, explains: “How can I be ‘trespassing’ on this site that is so sacred to me? This is my church. It is the Forest Service and Snowbowl who are violating human rights and religious freedom by desecrating this holy Mountain.”
With just a few minutes, you can take meaningful action to protect the Peaks. Call the USDA, which oversees the Forest Service, and let them know you support the preservation of this sacred mountain.
Take Action:
- TODAY: take 5 minutes to call Tom Vilsack of the U.S. Department of Agriculture to urge the USDA to place an administrative hold on all development of the SF Peaks. Phone: (202) 720-3632
- THURSDAY: show your support by participating in the Protect the San Francisco Peaks Protests in Vallejo, CA 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Meet at the Pacific Southwest Regional Forest Service Office: 1323 Club Drive, Vallejo, CA
- Contact Flagstaff City Officials and urge them to respect the environment, Indigenous culture, and protect public health by finding a way out of their contract to sell Snowbowl wastewater. Phone: (928) 779-7699 Email: council@flagstaffaz.gov