WEAvings: Stories from the Field

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[In the News] The First Woman Of Women: How Melinda Gates Became The World’s Most Powerful Advocate For Women And Girls

We’re loving this look at the life and work of Melinda Gates, co-founder and co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and a champion for the health and rights of women and girls. Melinda Gates has stepped up to use her voice and platform, as well as make those huge, critical investments. We are…

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Women are the victims of climate change – and the keys to climate action

Are you keeping an eye on the goings on at COP21 in Paris?  We are, and we’re especially interested to see if/how a gendered perspective is incorporated into any (and, hopefully, every!) discussions and mechanisms for moving forward on climate action in a sustainable way. For more of our take on COP21, read our recent…

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Inside the Complex Financial World of Women’s Organizations

Association for Women’s Rights In Development (AWID) has produced a series of reports on the state of fundraising and money in women’s rights organizations . The series, called Where is the Money for Women’s Rights, explores the complexities in obtaining adequate funding for organizations across the globe. One of the striking paradoxes of this moment is that…

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COP21: Time to Put a Cap on Global Gender Inequality

By: Katie Douglas, WEA Intern “I will ensure this… the climate battle must be fought for, and with, women,” stated Laurent Fabius, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development. These words are Fabius’ bold commitment for the 21st session of the Conference of Parties (COP) which starts today in Paris, over which he…

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Why were the elephants so angry?

By: Katie Douglas, WEA intern In Ulhara, a village in the city of Hazaribagh in Jharkhand, India, a group of women gathered for a cluster meeting and sat in thoughtful conversation on a rising issue: Why were the elephants of the forest so angry? The women questioned what had driven fourteen elephants to wreak havoc and destruction in…

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We are Responsible for Protecting Nature

By: Katie Douglas, WEA Intern “We Indigenous peoples of this village never thought that protecting natural resources was our responsibility. Now, we know we are responsible for protecting nature.” These are the powerful words of Sani Maya Bote, a farmer and mother from Manahari Village in Kathmandu, Nepal. As a child, Sani remembers the great…

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Historic Treaty Across Continents

The Indigenous people of North and South America have come together through a treaty signed by women leaders Casey Camp-Horinek (Ponca), Pennie Opal Plan (Idle No More Bay Area), representatives on the Indigenous Environmental Network’s Delegation for the COP 21 United Nations Summit in Paris, met with three representatives of the Amazon Watch Delegation: Kichwa leader, Patricia Gualinga and…

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Small-scale organic farming can feed the world

In our work, we’ve seen the incredible contributions women farmers continue to make in their communities when small farms and home gardens, and their caretakers, are uplifted and respected.  This is also something we’re seeing in the news more and more each day—but it’s not a new idea.  Obviously, small farmers have known this simple…

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Weathering the Storms Together: Grassroots Women’s Response to Climate Change

WEA shares our thoughts on women, climate change and more in Earth Island Journal‘s online edition. “Tomorrow, September 29, is Global Women’s Climate Justice Day of Action. As nations prepare for the UN COP21 climate negotiations in Paris, women across the world will tell their stories, demonstrate their solutions, and demand that our world leaders…

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Promoting Political, Social and Cultural Rights of Women to Uplift Sustainability

By: Katie Douglas, WEA Intern When Aring Rengsoring joined the WSDC training program in her village of Aimol Chingnunghut, she was already skilled in farming, weaving, and domestic work. Participating in the WSDC program allowed her to not only pass on these talents to others, but to strengthen her leadership abilities. It was leadership training…

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