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Dr. Seema Tripathi: Leading Change at the Grassroots
Women’s Earth Alliance (WEA) is thrilled to welcome Dr. Seema Tripathi to the Bay Area in early September! Dr. Seema is one of the leaders of WEA’s partner in India, Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG), an organization that promotes the rights and just livelihoods of small and landless farmers in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Dr. Seema…
GWWI Women and Water: Stay Tuned for Reports From the Field
GWWI Women and Water: Stay Tuned for Reports From the Field We hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! This next few weeks, our Director, Gemma Bulos will be traveling to follow-up and pay a visit to the 2011 Graduates of the Women and Water Training last August. If you’ve been following along this past…
Gemma Bulos honored as a Water Solutions Trailblazer in Reuters
WOW! Huge congrats to our Director of the Global Women’s Water Initiative, who was just named one of Reuters Top 10 Water Solutions Trailblazers in the world alongside our water heroes Margaret Nakato and Ned Breslin. Read the article here. Like Global Women’s Water on Facebook Follow GWWI on Twitter Follow Gemma, GWWI Director and…
GWWI Women and Water:Dining for Women Raises over $60,000 for GWWIs Women-Led Water Service Center Program
Women’s Earth Alliance is so thrilled to be the recipient of a program grant from Dining For Women to expand and deepen the work of Global Women’s Water Initiative in East Africa this Fall. In April, WEA was honored to be selected to be the DFW featured organization to support our Global Women’s Water Initiative…
GWWI Women and Water: GWWI Graduate Wins Top Prize from Ministry of Water and Irrigation
Congratulations to GWWI Graduates Lindah Wameya and Jane Wanjiko Joseph of Kilili Self-Help Program (KSHP) who won the Top Prize in the “Water For CIties” Ministry of Water and Irrigation National Competition! Lindah and Jane won for their essay promoting what they learned at Global Women’s Water Initiative Training in Uganda last summer – Water, Sanitation and…
Seeds of Hope
“Seed is sacred…The desire to save seeds comes form an ethical urge to defend life’s evolution.” Dr. Vandana Shiva Seed exchanges among small farmers are a time memorial tradition that has led to the immense biodiversity of indigenous seeds around the world. Globally, it is mostly women farmers who are the seed savers, who possess…
GWWI Women and Water: GWWI Collaboration Celebrates 4th Anniversary
It’s time to celebrate! Four years ago today the Global Women’s Water Initiative welcomed 50 grassroots women leaders from all over Sub-Saharan Africa and the United States to launch our first Women and Water Training in Nairobi, Kenya. We gathered together at the Green Belt Movement Training Center hosted by GROOTS Kenya to share stories of…
GWWI: Women and Water on Wednesdays: Kenya to Enact Rainwater Harvesting Act – Great Opportunity for GWWI Grads
Posted by Gemma Bulos Follow Gemma, GWWI Director/HuffPost Blogger on Twitter Great news for GWWI Kenya Grads! According to the Kenyan Ministry of Water Deputy Director of Water Resources Juma Omondi, the Kenya Rainwater Harvesting Act will be enacted by the end of 2012. The law will advocate for the integration of household and industrial rainwater harvesting (RWH)…