2022 Spring Newsletter: The antidote is us

Dear Friends,
There is a lot happening in the world right now. And while it has been difficult to watch the news lately and not feel the weight of the compounding crises we face, we know that there are also antidotes out there for the overwhelm, the pain, and the anger we may feel.
When we see the tragic attacks being launched against the Ukrainian people, we also bear witness to their unwavering courage and resilience.
When we hear the small-minded and disrespectful questions being asked of the first black woman nominated to the Supreme Court, we can also be fiercely proud of the dignity and wisdom in her answers.
When we read in the latest IPCC climate report that the pervasive impacts of climate change are only increasing around the world, we (re)turn to the grassroots where solutions are growing like seeds, tended by WEA women, and ready to blossom.
Last week was an important one for WEA, as we shared our work at both the World Economic Forum and the UN Women’s 66th Commission on the Status of Women. Our Co-Director, Kahea Pacheco was also invited to speak at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos in May. And we announced the call for nominations for the 2022 WEA U.S. Grassroots Accelerator and the job opportunity for WEA's North America/Pacific programming.
For every challenge we face, the answer—the antidote—is us. All of us together, stepping courageously forward, taking action, standing firm in our truth and power, growing seeds of change and spreading them around the world.
Thank you for being with us—for your voice, your partnership, and your support.
Melinda, Kahea, and Amira
WEA Co-Directors

In WEA's latest WEAvings Newsletter, you'll find:
- Information on how to apply or nominate a woman leader for the 2022 U.S. Grassroots Accelerator Program
- An interview with WEA's new Director of Philanthropic Partnerships ToQuyen Doan
- Earth Month celebrations and events
- Updates from the Alliance
- And more!
Check WEAvings out here and be sure to sign up to get all our latest updates.