Dr. Seema Tripathi: Leading Change at the Grassroots

Dr. Seema Tripathi at a rally in U.P., India
Women’s Earth Alliance (WEA) is thrilled to welcome Dr. Seema Tripathi to the Bay Area in early September! Dr. Seema is one of the leaders of WEA’s partner in India, Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG), an organization that promotes the rights and just livelihoods of small and landless farmers in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
Dr. Seema has over 16 years of experience working in the development sector, coordinating various activities related to training, resource and communication materials on issues like gender and development, disaster management, climate change resilience and participatory development. She has rich experience organizing and working at the grassroots on community mobilization, leadership development and communication methodologies and has consulted with groups like UNICEF, NABARB and projects of the Indian government. Dr. Seema is a doctorate in Educational Psychology and is passionate about music and traveling.
GEAG is a grassroots organization working with small and landless women farmers through a people-centered approach focusing on their participation and empowerment for sustainable development. In 2011, WEA was honored to partner with GEAG to fund the innovative Women, Food Security and Climate Change Training Program. Dr. Seema played a crucial role organizing this yearlong training program and developed a training manual for rural women, who are also grassroots community trainers and activists, and play a crucial role in building the resilience of vulnerable farmers in the face of climate change.
Special Event Honoring Dr. Seema!
Please join us for Seeds of Resilience: Women Protecting their Right to Land and Food on September 12th at 6:30 PM at the David Brower Center in downtown Berkeley. Dr. Seema will share personal stories, struggles and victories of women farmers in the state of Uttar Pradesh, who are using advocacy campaigns and ecological farming as a key strategy to promote their economic and food security. Buy tickets here!