Niria Alicia
U.S. Accelerator 2020 Ripple Series Facilitator

Ohlone Territory
Oakland, California, USA
Affiliations & Roles
Run4Salmon Organizer
SustainUS COP 25 Delegation Leader
Community Organizer & Youth Program Coordinator Greenaction for Health
Environmental Justice & Social Impact Strategist
Curriculum and Program Designer, Author, Educator & Protector
Niria Alicia
Born in a migrant farmworker and tree planter community in Southern Oregon, Niria Alicia is a Xicana community organizer, educator and storyteller committed to bringing spirit and culture into her work for migrant justice, climate justice and indigenous rights. A first-generation student, Niria graduated Cum Laude from the University of Oregon with degrees in Environmental Studies, Latin American Studies, Non-profit Administration and was inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa honor society.
As a social impact strategist and storyteller, Niria has worked with Earthjustice, Our Children’s Trust, Honor the Earth and Run4Salmon designing stories and campaigns that leverage collective grassroots power and inspire people to become active agents of social change. Niria has worked with the Winnemem Wintu Tribe and Winona’s Hemp and Heritage Farm directing successful fundraising campaigns using creative social media strategies to generate the engagement and support needed to bring indigenous visionary ideas to life.
As an educator and curriculum designer, Niria has worked nationally and internationally with Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice, US Brazil Connect, Rustic Pathways and Women’s Earth Alliance designing and implementing holistic curriculum with an environmental justice and spiritual understanding that works to bring about social transformation by centering healing and deepening the awareness of the interconnectedness of all life. Niria is a proud volunteer with No More Deaths working to end the unnecessary death and suffering on the US-Mexico border.
As a writer, she has contributed to environmental blogs, local newspapers and magazines in both English and Spanish writing about the effects that pesticides, pipelines and climate change have on frontline communities. Niria is committed to the next generation of indigenous and latinx leaders working to support them in becoming advocates and leaders in their communities. She currently works with farmworker youth and indigenous communities in California to protect communities from pesticide drift and restore endangered Salmon runs. Niria Alicia is excited to lead a delegation of indigenous youth to the COP 25 in Chile this December to continue pressuring global leaders to protect Mother Earth for the next seven generations. Niria is collaborating with WEA as a member of the 2019 U.S. Grassroots Accelerator for Women Environmental Leaders.