Fun (d) Raising at WEA’s 2013 Gala

The Women’s Earth Alliance Gala, “From Ripple to Wave,” was an unforgettable night. The event marked another rite of passage for WEA as we celebrated our 7th year; reflected on our past, shared our vision for growth, laughed and celebrated, and thanks to all of you, made a wave of support for our efforts going forward. We want you to know that we are already working hard to translate your generosity into action.

If you missed the event, catch a glimpse of the magic through the new WEA short video by Unseen Pictures that we premiered and enjoy photos of the evening.
Thank you to our special guest Rose Wamalwa for traveling to be with us from Kisumu, Kenya and sharing her incredible story. Rose spoke about her journey from being a little girl carrying water for miles on her head, to a community leader, trainer and entrepreneur with our Global Women’s Water Initiative bringing clean water to thousands in her community.

At the end of her talk she said, “my daughter now looks at me and says, ‘mama, I want to be like you some day.” Rose is a living testament to the wave of change that women environmental leaders generate, not only throughout regions but across generations.

Thanks to our event sponsors, who helped us with our commitment to make the Gala as low-cost an event as possible. Alcohol and beverages, centerpieces, take-home gifts, the lighting and photography were 100% donated. Production expenses, food, and table settings were generously discounted. And we couldn’t have done it without our dedicated volunteers!

As our Advisor Paul Hawken said so eloquently in his talk, “there is no solution to climate change unless women’s leadership is at the heart of it.” Grassroots women worldwide are bringing forth life-sustaining solutions to the mounting crises we all face — we are honored to stand with them.
Thank you for being a part of our community. We invite you to consider making a gift to WEA at this time to help us continue to thrive. Here’s to a wonderful and fulfilling fall season!