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Caitlin and WEA in the news
Women Earth Alliance’s Advocacy Director Caitlin Sislin was interviewed by VolunTourism, an organization that promotes volunteering around the world. In it she says, “Collaboration with and support of … women leaders is really an investment in health, sustainability and justice for communities.” Read the full interview here!
One of many extraordinary women
The women involved in Women Earth Alliance are extraordinary women. Olanike Olugboji, a participant in the Global Women’s Water Initiative’s 2008 African Women and Water Training, has launched a new venture and has written about it on World Pulse. She writes, “when people’s daily needs are met, they are better able to think about the…
Solutions for Community Resilience
2009 was a banner year for Women’s Earth Alliance, there’s no doubt about it. But we knew that the wave of momentum wasn’t going to stop. In fact, here on our blog we predicted that “2010 is going to rock.” So far it has, thanks to you. Last week we held the first Women’s Earth…
Report from the West African Women and Water Training
Preparation Days-Global Women’s Water Initiative West African Women and Water Training By Mariah Maggio The latest adventure of GWWI’s Women and Water Training program in bringing powerful African women together to create solutions for water issues has begun! The phrase, “hit the ground running” was never as appropriately applied as to how it describes the…
On being an environmental lawyer: storytelling with a purpose
(Cross-posted from the Science and Environmental Health Network‘s blog) As a young environmental attorney, I am fortunate to count Carolyn Raffensperger as one of my most trusted mentors. Carolyn’s advice and guidance deeply inform my work as the Advocacy Director for Women’s Earth Alliance, where I am building and stewarding a new pro bono legal…
We did it! 2009 in review
Dear friends, You are amazing. Thanks to you, 2009 was a banner year for Women’s Earth Alliance. With a week left in 2009, we had raised 75% of our $100,000 match. By New Year’s Eve we had raised $120,000. In just six weeks, 135 donors stepped forward to make this possible. Here’s a fun slideshow…
Victory for Earth and Community in the Navajo Nation
This week, an administrative law judge for the Department of Interior issued an historic decision revoking Peabody Coal Company’s permit for its Black Mesa and Kayenta coal mines, effecting a precedent-setting victory in the decades-long struggle for environmental justice on Black Mesa. The decision also signals that while the Obama Administration still has its work…
We are over half way there! Last month we shared that a very generous donor has offered to match every dollar donated to Women’s Earth Alliance up to $100,000. And they will every year for the next three years! As of today you have contributed $65,000 towards this incredible match opportunity. We are overwhelmed by…
Work we believe in (A letter from Paul Hawken and Julia Butterfly Hill)
Dear Friends, As you know, Women’s Earth Alliance has a $100,000 match on the table. This morning Amira and Melinda told us that they are 75% there. As WEA Advisors and donors, we see this as a tremendous moment for this world-class organization. If you haven’t already (which many of you have!), we invite you…
Feed two birds with one seed this season
We shared with you here the exciting news about a very generous donor’s offer to Women’s Earth Alliance. Every donation to Women’s Earth Alliance before December 31, 2009 will be matched dollar for dollar up to $100,000. We are happy to report that we are 70% there! With just $30,000 more to go, we are…