Uniting and Fighting against Keystone XL
The proposed Keystone XL pipeline from TransCanada is having a profound effect on the people who call the middle west of the country home. Training for Resistance is an organization and training event started by Debra White Plume, a long-time organizer and activist against uranium mining in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Her newest endeavor is bringing together hundreds of First Nations, environmental activists, local ranchers and small grassroots organizations.
Training for Resistance tour, which is making its way across Greater Sioux nations, territories and reservations to educate and equip people with the necessary tools for resistance. The trainings, which began in March on the Pine Ridge reservation, focus on direct action and teach-ins on tar sands and the Keystone XL, with roots in the Lakota way and tradition
You can read the full article, and learn about the impact it has already had, here

Source: Moccasins on the Ground