GWWI Women and Water:Dining for Women Raises over $60,000 for GWWIs Women-Led Water Service Center Program

Women’s Earth Alliance is so thrilled to be the recipient of a program grant from Dining For Women to expand and deepen the work of Global Women’s Water Initiative in East Africa this Fall.
In April, WEA was honored to be selected to be the DFW featured organization to support our Global Women’s Water Initiative training programs. DFW members all over the country were invited to follow the path of a women in Africa who can spend sometimes all day fetching water and doing water related chores and were able to share in GWWIs vision for a world where women can implement sustainable water solutions alleviating their water burdens and opening up opportunities for them to thrive.
DFW was able to raise over $60,000 ($20,000 more than we requested) for GWWI to launch our WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) Service Center Training Program. Our goal is to create women-led water programs where women can provide and generate income from offering a variety of WASH services, products and technologies like water filters, tanks, rainwater harvesting sytems, toilets etc. GWWI graduates have an opportunity to expand their breadth of WASH knowledge and services and can take a leading role in their communities.
Dining for Women’s mission is to empower women and girls living in extreme poverty by funding programs that foster good health, education, and economic self-sufficiency and to cultivate educational giving circles that inspire individuals to make a positive difference through the power of collective giving. Every month hundreds of potlucks are hosted by women all over the country as an avenue to raise awareness of global issues that are important to DFW members. It serves as both an opportunity for US women to learn about the challenges women face around the globe and the organizations that are addressing these issues in innovative ways. As DFW members expand their knowledge, they have the privilege of providing financial support to ensure that the work to empower women can continue.
Thanks so much to DFW and the thousands of women who gathered to break bread, share stories of women around the world and contribute to a growing women’s empowerment movement that regenerates a culture of women supporting women. With this financial support, African grassroots women are sure to make powerful waves of change in their communities!
GWWI will be launching the WASH Service Center Training Program in November 2012. In the meantime, stay tuned for updates from the field from our 2011 graduates in the coming months.