Philippines Struggle to Supply Most Basic of Needs

“The failure to ensure safe water supply and sanitation and the rapidity with which we degrade the environment through air and water pollutants greatly threatens human health and contributes to a high death toll across all ages. The poorest victims, however, are the children.”

In the Philippines, 25 million people do not have access to basic sanitation services and another 13 million lack access to clean water. The costs associated with these disadvantages are huge: disease is rampant, death not uncommon and over $280 million USD in medical expenses and lost income. Attempts are being made by the government to reduce these numbers, following the Millennium Development Goal, but it appears unlikely to be met by 2015. Women and children are the primary fetchers of water, resulting in their continued inability to bring themselves or their families out of poverty if they must constantly be searching for clean water.
You can read the entirety of the article here.

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