WEA Women in Action

Elizabeth Martinez

Elizabeth Martinez-profile


Arvin, California

Affiliations & Roles

Organizer, Lideres Campesinas


Elizabeth Martinez lives in Arvin, California and is an organizer at Lideres Campesinas, an organization that brings together farm-based working women and supports them to build collectives and coordinate their work statewide.

In this role and beyond, Elizabeth strives to grow leaders to generate community-based political, social, and economic transformation. Elizabeth aims to use her experience her organizational platform to involve more women in Lideres Campesinas and to foster more leaders among farm-working women. 

Elizabeth’s current focus is propelling farm-working women into positions of public commissions and decision-making through her organization’s Healthy Solutions campaign. In coordination with this work, Elizabeth ultimately will enroll more members into Lideres Campesinas and building the organization’s state-wide membership.

Elizabeth Martinez
Elizabeth Martinez

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