Traditional agriculture solutions for women farmers in India
Traditional agriculture solutions for women farmers in India In 2014, WEA partnered with the GREEN Foundation on “Shakti: Empowering Women Farmers to Lead”, a regional exchange and training project for women farmers in Karnataka, South India to build their skills in sustainable farming and seed saving practices, and enhance their income generation capacity. In the…
Read MoreSouth Asia Small Grants Initiative
South Asia Small Grants Initiative The small grants initiative provided 3 years of strategic small grants to fuel the collective efforts of women-led grassroots groups and social movements in South Asia. This project promoted food sovereignty, environmental sustainability, climate justice and dignified livelihoods. WEA’s Small Grants Initiative seeded and strengthened women-led environmental solutions from the…
Read MoreGrassroots Indian women leaders improving food and economic security
Grassroots Indian women leaders improving food and economic security Manju Devi, a farmer, NGO field worker, and a single mother of 3 from Bihar, attended the WEA/GEAG 2011 India Women, Food, and Climate Change Training. After returning to her community, she set up her own organic kitchen garden as a demonstration site and organized 11…
Read MoreWomen and Food Learning Exchange in Northern India
Women and Food Learning Exchange in Northern India Initiated through an invitation from one of WEA’s founding mothers, Arshinder Kaur, this Learning Exchange was designed to inform the launch of WEA’s work with women farmers in India. Together, 15 women practitioners and advocates in agriculture and food systems traveled to the frontlines of India’s sustainable…
Read MoreWomen Uniting for Safe Water in the Philippines
Women Uniting for Safe Water in the Philippines From this series of four-day educational workshops, thirty women were trained in building the BioSand Filter; sixteen BioSand Filters were constructed; and five pilot projects were launched in each province. Following the workshops, all women trainees secured their own funding to begin providing BioSand Filters for their…
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