The SDGs: Landmark achievment, or a step backward?

…The objectives of Beijing were consistent with a recognition of the deeply structural nature of the inequalities experienced by women. By openly challenging austerity programmes and the impact of macroeconomic policies on women, the platform acknowledged that the neoliberal, “trade not aid” model of development was – and is – failing the majority of the…

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A Mother’s Day Call to Protect the Earth

This Sunday is the day of the mother, the day we honor the source of life. As we give thanks for our very existence, for all the nurturing and resources our mothers provide for us so that we may grow and thrive, we also celebrate our shared mother—the Earth itself. Without her flowing waters, warm sun,…

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Happy Women’s Equality Day!

Happy Women’s Equality Day here in the U.S.! While this day commemorates the passage of women’s right to vote, here at WEA, women’s equality also means honoring the knowledge, expertise and leadership of grassroots women around the world who are standing strong for our communities, environment and futures. What does Women’s Equality Day mean to you?  

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Benefit Concert to Support the Winnemem Wintu Tribe and their Efforts

Where will you be tomorrow night? Please join us at the Eastside Arts Alliance in Oakland, CA for Wintu Ch’aawa, a benefit concert to honor and support the Winnemem Wintu Tribe as they continue their efforts to protect their culture, lifeways, and sacred lands from the Shasta Dam raise. The evening will feature Redstar, Michael Preston, Almas Fronterizas, an art auction…

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The Ripple Effect Is Real

by Gemma Bulos Question: When would the equation 20 x 222 = 4588? Answer: When you train 20 women how to build rainwater harvesting systems. They train 222 of their colleagues (84% of which were women). And together they build 31 tanks supplying water to 4588 people in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda.  Help us amplify…

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