Spring Edition of the WEAvings Newsletter: Planting seeds of change

Rose Wamalwa, WEA East Africa Program Director, with a WEA/WWANC Leader in Kenya. Photo Credit: Anthony Wanjiku Dear Friends, As the northern hemisphere welcomes the vibrant renewal of spring, it’s a reminder of the boundless potential that lies within the seeds we sow—both literal and metaphorical. With each seed planted, we foster the growth of…

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Winter Edition of the WEAvings Newsletter: Lighting the Way With You

A WEA Leader in our 2023 Women and Climate Accelerator in Tanzania, done in partnership with Bukoba Women’s Empowerment Association (BUWEA). Dear Friends, Happy Winter Solstice! As we approach the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, we are readying ourselves to welcome back the light. Today, we’re reflecting on how inspiring it…

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Fall Edition of the WEAvings Newsletter: Look what can happen in 2 weeks

Left: WEA Global Program Manager Dr. Annesha Chowdhury, PhD (middle) with friends at colleagues at the Climate March in NYC. Credit: Amira Diamond / Middle and Right: Frontlines of the Climate March in NYC. Credit: Amira Diamond Dear Friends, In the span of just two weeks—while we attended the Women’s Funding Network Conference in D.C.…

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The Mother of Mangroves: Inspiration in the Face of Deforestation

As we approach July 26th, the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem, we are thrilled to highlight Lia Putrinda Anggawa Mukti, co-founder of the Bhakti Alam Sendang Biru Foundation in East Java, Malang, Indonesia. Lia’s work has helped to bring more attention to mangrove forests and coastal ecosystems in Southeast Asia, with the hope of restoring these habitats for the well-being of nearby wildlife and her community.››

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